Going green can help reduce energy expenditures and enhance your company's brand image all while protecting the planet. No matter where your office is located, it's possible to shrink the size of your company's eco footprint. Follow these tips to improve the sustainability of your company and the eco-friendliness of your office space.
1. Make It a Team Effort
Put together a sustainability team made up of employees from different departments. During regular meetings, the team can brainstorm different ways to green your office by choosing more eco-friendly supplies, reducing waste and energy consumption and more.
2. Turn It into a Game
Each month, establish a green goal for your office. For example, you might encourage employees to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic silverware in the break room or to turn the lights off in restrooms when they are not in use. If the company accomplishes the goal, treat everyone to a small prize like a gift card or a catered lunch.
3. Power Down at Night
Make shutting down all computers, turning off all lights and switching off or lowering the heat part of your evening routine. If employees forget, have a small penalty in place like paying a quarter or dollar fee into a green jar that can be used to fund sustainable initiatives.
4. Choose Greener Supplies
While you may not be able to afford to switch only to recycled paper products, compostable plastics and other green supplies, you can still shrink the size of your eco footprint by switching to one or two environmentally friendly alternatives. Look for areas that will have the biggest impact.
5. Reach for the Stars
When it comes time to purchase new office equipment and computers, invest in Energy Star products. These electronics meet EPA standards for conserving energy. Although their initial purchase price may be higher than non-green alternatives, the energy savings that they will provide over time will typically offset costs.
6. Lock Down the Thermostat
Invest in locks to prevent employees from adjusting the thermostat. If you have the means, you can invest in smart thermostats that automatically adjust temperatures during different times of the day and allow you to establish zones to keep certain areas of the office warmer or cooler than others. With smart thermostats, you can set the temperature using a password-protected app on a mobile device or computer, ensuring that only those who are authorized have the ability to adjust the HVAC system.
7. Invest in Paperless Technology
The manufacturing of paper consumes large amounts of water and electricity and contributes to deforestation. As a result, going as paperless as possible can make a huge eco impact. Investing in digital file systems, sending electronic invoices and encouraging employees not to print emails are great ways to begin transitioning to paperless operations.
8. Introduce Some Greenery
Living plants improve indoor air quality by taking in carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen. Plus, plants enhance the decor of offices and make for pleasanter working environments to boost morale.
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