The coronavirus pandemic forced many employees to work from home. As companies begin to experiment with bringing all employee back to the office while maintaining all social distancing rules to minimize the spread of COVID-19, here are a few tips:
1. Encourage Good Hygiene and Self-Isolation
Clean your offices thoroughly and keep them well ventilated. Encourage all employees to frequently wash their hands throughout the day and avoid touching their eyes, noses, and mouths. Anyone who feels any symptoms of COVID-19 should be encouraged to self-isolate.
2. Policy and Handbook Review
Companies should not exempt anyone from the guidelines. Companies need to revisit their organization’s policies in line with global health standards. Some policies in place will no longer be applicable as employees prepare to return to the workplace. While reviewing these policies, drastic changes must not be made too sudden to avoid affecting employee engagement.
3. Embrace Hybrid Work Model
Even as companies aim to bring back employees, employees must be allowed to work from wherever they feel will be excellent for them. In case some employees choose to work from home, companies can adopt the hybrid work model. Having a hybrid work model allows employees to return to the office only if they are comfortable and ready. The hybrid model is a mix of remote and in-office workers.
4. Reduce Social Gatherings
It is advisable to cut down on social gatherings like birthday celebrations for the well-being of employees. Employees can get creative as regards how they want to do any social celebration. For instance, there could be a Zoom room opened for anyone who wants to talk to any other member of the company.
5. Communication
It's been a very traumatic experience for everyone and we are all trying to readjust even for those of us who feel emotionally fit to handle situations. Hence, it is advisable to give each other that reassurance that things would get better. It is expected that employees are going to be fearful, restrained, and reluctant to return to work. It is the job of the employer to demonstrate policies of reassurance and trust. Employers are to have a very good communication skill just as sending reminders through e-mails, texts and ensure safety is guaranteed at every meeting you will have.
6. Obey Federal, State, and Local Rules
Some states have prohibited offices from exceeding certain capacity levels and require employees to be 6ft apart. Employers and employees should follow these guidelines within the workplace to ensure the safety of all.
7. Post Signs
To indicate that common area such as conference rooms, elevators, bathrooms, and break room has been sanitized and the period it was done. This will keep employees confident that all areas have been sanitized.
8. Restructure your office
The new normal has come and every company has to restructure their offices to allow safety. For example, offices will need to ensure that space desks are properly set apart.
There may also be additional policies restricting the number of people who can be in a room at a time, as well as the number of people who can visit the office without notice.
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