Changing office locations can be very tasking as a lot of factors and individual needs have to be evaluated. As opposed to moving to a new home, moving offices requires careful planning and organization to minimize cost, damages, and errors due to oversight.
Efficient communication is also to be maintained throughout the planning process. Below are factors and things to take note of when planning an office move:
1. Set Up a Planning Committee
This committee oversees everything that goes into the office relocation. They are responsible for assigning duties and supervising the completion of such duties.
Ensure that at least a member of each department is present in the committee. This is to ensure that no one is left out in the plans.
2. Take Note of the End of Your Lease
When does your lease expire? You need to take note of this to when preparations towards the move would begin. Plans towards a move should begin at least 3-6 months before the move date.
If you would be leaving before the end of your lease, it means you’ll be giving up your balance unless there’s an opportunity for a refund.
3. Communicate Changes
Notify your marketing and publicity team to inform your customers and audience of your intended move. They should keep them up-to-date on plans to move and when the move is completed. Ensure your media department make changes to online and offline files, pages, and sites containing office addresses.
4. Inform your suppliers
Inform your suppliers (food, beverage, stationaries, etc.) of your plans to move so they can smoothly deliver after your move without errors.
5. Take Note of New Office Dimensions and Plan the Layout
Determine how equipment and furniture would fit in. Plan out workspaces, common areas, and the general layout of the office. You would need an office planner for this.
6. Inform Your Staff of Everyone’s Role in the Relocation
Let everyone know the tasks assigned to them (including their deadlines) so things can run smoothly and on schedule.
7. Make Sure the Moving Company is Insured
If you would be hiring a moving company, make sure the company has insurance that covers items that might get damaged during the move.
In addition to the above, the following tips would come in handy:
Have a fixed moving date so everyone has a major deadline to work towards.
Call for an early inspection of your current office space so you can make quick repairs and get early clearance to move.
Have staff on stand-by at both locations to monitor the process.
Plan your move for a weekend to avoid disrupting business in other offices within the building.
Although moving scenarios may vary based on your type of business and conditions laid out by the building’s management, the above tips and factors to be considered should make your move less stressful and more coordinated.
In conclusion, discuss with your team, consider all the peculiarities of your business, set a budget alongside deadlines towards the move, and get moving!
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