What is the Difference Between Tenant Reps and Brokers?

In this illuminating video, Don Catalano, President of iOptimize Realty®, delves into the intricacies of the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) market. He unravels the often overlooked conflicts of interest within the industry, highlighting why tenant representation stands apart from traditional brokers.


Gain valuable insights into the benefits of having a dedicated tenant rep who puts your interests first and discover how this expert guidance translates into remarkable cost savings.


In this video, you'll explore:

  • The Distinctive Role of Tenant Representation in CRE
  • Unveiling the Complex Web of Conflicts of Interest
  • How Tenant Reps Prioritize Your Interests
  • Tangible Cost Savings Through Expert Guidance
  • Why iOptimize Realty® Is Your Trusted CRE Wingman

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