In this article, you'll discover:
- How staying updated with the latest technology can reduce wasted time and improve efficiency.
- The benefits of reconfiguring office layouts to enhance workflow and accommodate social distancing.
- The advantages of flexible work schedules for improving employee focus and productivity.
- The importance of comfortable office furnishings and a pleasant environment for maximizing productivity.
A study conducted by the Harvard Business Review in 2017 found that the average company is 20 percent less productive than it should be on a weekly basis due to organizational drag. This term refers to things that interfere with the way people work. The changes brought on by the pandemic have likely made the percentage of lost time even higher, but there are steps you can take to boost productivity to positively impact your employees and your company as a whole. Here are a 5 tips to a more productive workplace:
1. Stay on the Cutting Edge of Technology
Technology continues to advance at a lightning-fast pace. Even if you embraced communications and project management software programs that were cutting-edge a few years ago, there is a good chance that something more effective has emerged since then.
Mobile and web-based apps are one way that companies can reduce wasted time for employees in the office and working from home. There are apps that eliminate paper forms and email requests for HR functions, streamline workflow and even help employees eliminate distractions and improve focus.
2. Reimagine the Flow of Traffic Through Your Office
Walk through tasks that employees have to complete on a regular basis. How difficult is it to retrieve an item from the printer or to make a photo copy? Where do employees need to go if they have to stock up on supplies?
Rearranging your office so that traffic flows in an intuitive way can help your team finish things more quickly. The pandemic provides extra incentive to rethink your space, as a well-laid-out office can simplify social distancing.
3. Make Schedules As Flexible as Possible
Employees often struggle to focus on their work if they know they have pressing personal matters to attend to. For many job roles, it makes sense to abandon the traditional nine-to-five shift and allow workers to create schedules that better fit their lives. This way, they can arrive at the office and dive into projects with less worries. This is especially important when transitioning back to the office following a complete or partial COVID shutdown.
4. Keep the Office Bright the Best Way
Many studies have confirmed that well-lit offices positively impact employee productivity. Arrange your offices so that spaces with the most natural light are places where employees work regularly. Having huge windows in conference rooms may be impressive to clients and other visitors, but using those areas for employees allows you to maximize the benefits of the sun.
Pairing natural light with smart LED systems that adjust for brightness in response to changes in sunlight levels can help to ensure that your team has adequate working light all day.
5. Choose Details With Comfort in Mind
Employees are most productive when they work in comfortable spaces. Providing adjustable chairs and desks can help your team sit comfortably throughout the day. Improvements of posture provided by these furnishings can also cut down on back strain, one of the most common health complaints of office workers. Make sure that the office is aesthetically appealing. Use artwork and live plants to create an office that feels welcoming. Also, consider installing a smart thermostat to keep the office comfortable in every season.
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